In our fast moving world success is largely based on how fast we can adapt to change and predict in advance the effects and outcomes of these changes. This is especially true in case of manufacturing. Wouldn’t it be great if you could optimize your production before having all the equipment onsite, start programming the equipment before it is physically ready, take a VR tour in the factory before it is finished, find bottlenecks in advance and try out different ways to eliminate them, see how adding co-bots and AGVs into your line would improve your production, basically test out any ‘what if’ scenario that you can imagine. I will present to you a couple of ways how we can realize this using 3D manufacturing simulators.
Meet Péter, our speaker: “Let me introduce myself, my name is Torok Peter and I have been working for Accenture for the last 2.5 years, I work as a machine integration specialist. I am lucky enough that my job, which is PLC programming, equipment commissioning, machine integration and manufacturing simulation is also my hobby. “
”3D Manufacturing” Webinar Accenture
”3D Manufacturing” Webinar Accenture
Compania Accenture va organiza un eveniment on-line legat de “3D manufacturing”, joi, 26.11.2020, ora 14,
Join the webinar here:
Facebook event
In our fast moving world success is largely based on how fast we can adapt to change and predict in advance the effects and outcomes of these changes. This is especially true in case of manufacturing. Wouldn’t it be great if you could optimize your production before having all the equipment onsite, start programming the equipment before it is physically ready, take a VR tour in the factory before it is finished, find bottlenecks in advance and try out different ways to eliminate them, see how adding co-bots and AGVs into your line would improve your production, basically test out any ‘what if’ scenario that you can imagine. I will present to you a couple of ways how we can realize this using 3D manufacturing simulators.
Meet Péter, our speaker: “Let me introduce myself, my name is Torok Peter and I have been working for Accenture for the last 2.5 years, I work as a machine integration specialist. I am lucky enough that my job, which is PLC programming, equipment commissioning, machine integration and manufacturing simulation is also my hobby. “